The Black Panther Movement of the United States supports the Campaign for the Freedom of 19

The International Campaign for the Freedom of Sergio Andrés Pastor González has received new support of great importance. This is the support of the comrades of the United States Panther Movement (UPM). They
have sent us their support through Comrade Rob Strong, a support that
further strengthens and expands the global movement that we have
promoted demanding the Liberation of 19, and of all the Political
prisoners of the Front Line.
Sergio publicly thanked the UPM comrades through his Facebook account for the solidarity sent from the United States. In this way, the World Campaign for the Freedom of Sergio Andrés Pastor González advances with the support of hundreds of leaders, activists, fighters from around the world who continue to give their support and contribution so that the Campaign develops worldwide, and can reach more. corners of the United States as well as to all continents and all countries of the world.

The following message was expressed on Sergio's Facebook account: " The Black Panthers joined the campaign for the liberation of our comrade 19 and all the prisoners of the social outbreak, what are you waiting for to give that shout of fight for all of them?" warriors who gave their freedoms for us? Conquer fear!"
The Black Panther Movement sends its message of support to the International Campaign for the Freedom of 19 Sergio responded from his Facebook account calling on more colleagues to join the campaign.The United Panther Movement (UPM) is the continuation of the Rainbow Coalition started by President Fred Hampton and the Chicago Chapter of the Black Panther Party on April 4, 1969. After many attempts to form Rainbow Coalitions, especially in non-white sectors, revolutionaries, reformist forms, but President Fred Hampton's coalition was the first. Led by the BPP, the Rainbow Coalition included many groups organized around serving people in specific communities.
These communities are The Young Lords, Young Patriots Organization, White Panther Party, Students for a Democratic Society, Brown Berets, the American Indian Movement, the Red Guard Party. As they themselves express it on their website, these communities organize to fight against the enemy: capitalism-imperialism.

As we have explained in our work "The North American Revolution of the 21st Century", the Black Panther movement
developed in the midst of the Mobilization against the "Jim Crow"
regime of racial segregation that brutally repressed and left blacks and
women without rights. the African American community.
Between the 50's and 60's in all the southern states of the United States, and in all the states of the country, a powerful mobilization was unleashed that defeated the regime of racial segregation and put North American imperialism in check because it opened the doors to the defeat of the imperialism in the Vietnam War, in addition to achieving enormous freedoms for other oppressed sectors of society such as women through the achievement of legal abortion, or the LGTBQ movement.
All that powerful movement made up the 3rd North American Revolution, that of the 20th century. Imperialism responded brutally to that revolution by massively repressing the entire movement; in 1969, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover described the Black Panther party as "the greatest threat to the internal security of the country" and developed an extensive program of counterintelligence (COINTELPRO) to destroy the Black Panther leaders. The CIA and the FBI assassinated leaders such as Martin Luther King, Malcom Jim Crow regime.
the flame that the Black Panthers lit in the 60's is more alive than
ever in the struggles of the Palestinian people, the Ukrainian people,
and the workers' strikes in the United States. International
solidarity strengthens revolutions and struggles for democratic rights,
the International Freedom Campaign of 19 is achieving this fundamental
objective while we demand the Freedom of the comrades political
prisoners of the Front Line.