India: AIDWA-DYFI-SFI celebrated Black Day across the country on May 26
By La Marx South Asia 27/5/21
The All India Democratic Women's Association (AIDWA), Democratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI) and Students' Federation of India (SFI) fully and actively support the Samyukta Kisan Morcha's (SKM) nationwide call to observe May 26 as Black Day.
The historic farmers' struggle will complete 6 months on May 26. It will also mark 6 months since the All India Strike by the trade unions. The same day will mark the completion of 7 years of the Modi-led BJP-RSS government, which has proved to be the most bankrupt, heartless, communal, anti-people and pro-corporate government in independent India. The AIDWA, DYFI and SFI condemn the Modi government for its criminal culpability and abject failure in dealing with the Covid pandemic.
flyers calling for Nationwide Black Day, May 26 2021
The Prime Minister has shown total disregard for the unprecedented suffering of the people of our country. We demand the immediate repeal of the three anti-people Farm Laws and four anti-worker Labour Codes.Black flags will be put up over houses and vehicles, and effigies of Prime Minister Modi will be burnt in villages and bastis. Tens of thousands of women, youth and students will participate in the protests all over the country on the following demands:
flyers calling for Nationwide Black Day, May 26 2021
1) Use the massive funds of PM Cares for providing oxygen, ventilators, medicines and hospital beds. Stop the Central Vista project and use its funds for the same purpose.
2) Give Covid health facilities to all free of cost. Give free and universal vaccination to all.
3) Strictly regulate private hospitals and stop fleecing of patients with exorbitant bills.
4) Allocate substantial funds for strengthening the public health system.
5) Immediately transfer Rs 7500 to the accounts of all non-income tax paying families.
6) Give 10 kg free food grains to all needy for six months, along with essential items like pulses, oil, sugar, etc through the PDS.
7) Expand work, raise wages in MNREGA, start urban employment guarantee scheme. Provide adequate compensation for job losses in the private sector.
8) Provide unemployment allowance to all registered unemployed youth.
10) Revoke all fees including semester fees. Provide all educational facilities, necessary gadgets and internet services free to all poor and socially vulnerable students.
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