First Signatures in the Campaign for Free "19"
International Campaign: Free "19"! And to the leaders of the First Line!
To President Gustavo Petro and National Authorities of Colombia
We, the undersigned, demand the immediate release of Sergio Andrés Pastor González, popularly known as 19, and of all the leaders of the First Line who are political prisoners for defending the rights and freedoms of the people of Colombia

Silvia Morales- Emilda Roa Moreno- Adriana Bravo Martínez- Carlos Mario Urrego Mesa - Luisa Rubiano- Stevens Guzmán Acosta- Sharon Alvarado - Edith Cuellar Soto- Johanna Bohorquez- Gersain Daza Bolaños- Mexico: Independent Union of Workers of Industries, Services, Commerce, Education of the Mexican Republic (SITISCERM), Recycling Indian Workers and Socialists (RECIOS) Ana Laura Hernández Section 22 - CNTE, Lorena Zayas Section 22 CNTE, Jesús Valdez - Editor of La Marx México and @Revolución, Dr. Olivo García Maldonado - La Marx México. Lemmy Montes - Sociology student. Alejandro López López - member of the Community Assembly of 'Álvaro Obregón and Section 22 CNTE, Martha Lechuga - Section 9 CNTE, Collective La Voz del Anáhuac, Union of Oaxacan Artisans and Merchants in Struggle (UACOL) - Oaxaca - Ariadna Marlen Simón Aguilar- Gerardo Luis Martin Conde- Gersain Daza Bolaños
United States: Black Panther Movement (UPM)- David Turpin. Anti-war Committees in Solidarity with the Struggles for Self-Determination- Timothy Jordan England : Kumi Poonasamy East London- Willians Larrad. Marxist Center Belgium: Hernando José Figueroa Fernández Ireland: Cllr John Lyons . Dublin- Joan Collins TD Dublin- Conor Kostick, Independent Left- Karl Leonard- Patrick Talty- Conor O'Sullivan- Dermot Hayes- Tom Dwyer Canada: Jorge Leyton Cristi- La Marx Canada South Africa: Shaheen Khan Spain: Osvaldo Esteban Carrascal Coneo- Adelaide Barreiro López-Juan Luis. La Marx Spain India R Sevvilam Parithi- Vice President of all Indian Lawers Council & Asia commune main committee member. A Sasikaladevi (Adavocate) Asia commune main committee member. Yakub Mahamed- Asia Commune main Committee member. D S Paliwal- Trade Unionist & Leadership in Rajastan. Jayantha Das- Communist Leader in Odisha. Progyan Das- La Marx India Pakistan Nawaz Arain- Main Committee member of Asia Commune. Asad Iqbal Butt- Member of Human Right commission & Asia Commune member. Muhammad Khan- Labour Counciler- (Islamabad). Modasar Mehboob- Labour Qoumi Movement. Ivan Benerg- Social Activits -(Punjab). Jawad Ahmed- Famous Singer & Social Activits. Gul Mohammed- Historian from Karachchi Pakistan. Professor Jalil Butt. Nadeem Ahmed- Trade Unionist. Nadeem Ahmmed- Siddique Sarwar- HD Television Pakistan. Seema Shakir- Women social right Activits. Abdul Maharoof- Trade unionist of Labour qoumi Movement From Baluchistan, province of Pakistan. Sarah Mubarak- Women wing labour movement Pakistan. Zafar Pasha- Trade Unionist of pensioners Sri Lanka Don Samantha. Asia Commune- Wilfred Silva Lakpriya Nanayakkara- Movement for Land & Agriculture. Kuththaperumal Anbarasan- Asia Commune Committe Member From Tea estate aria in Sri Lanka. Salila Sumanasinhe- Asia Commune Main Committee Member Nepal Kishna Napur- United Socialist Party Bangaladesh Abul Hossian- Workers Party In Bangaladesh & Asia Commune Main Committee Member. Himanshu Mitra- Grassroot working class organizer & Asia Commune Main Committee Member. Hong Kong: Lam Chi Leung Scotland: Cinaed Senchusmor Ecuador: Vladimir Cosíos- Justicia por Valentina- Lesly Espinoza Brazil: Edison Araujo- Marco Antonio Perruso - Rio de Janeiro ART - Aliança Revolucionária dos Trabalhadores- Sheila Correa Bolivia: Committee for the Defense of the National Heritage of Bolivia- Gonzalo Sanjines Panama: Jose Serrano: Union Promoter Rural workers Honduras: Tomas Andino Mencia former deputy to the National Congress and former member of the Nominating Board for magistrates of the Supreme Court of Justice Peru: Mariela Vaca Briones Justice by Mariela Chile: Gustavo Burgos. Lawyer and editor of El Porteño magazine- David Ovich. First Line Detachment Calama Venezuela: Armando Rondon Dominguez - Gilberto Rafael Perez- La Marx Venezuela El Salvador: Julio Martinez. Uruguay: María Quijano- Association of Missing Detainees of U r uguay. Argentina: Luis Zamora. National Deputy (mc)- Fernando Vilardo. Self-Determination and Freedom (AyL)- Greta Roquero. Journalist Channel 4 Bigand Sta Fe- Norma Rivers. Vice President Apdh- Carlos "dog" Santillan Jujuy- Alfredo Grande- Journalist. Cultural Trench Coordinator- Celina Contu, Fabian Naistat, Alberto Spindola. New PST- Carmen Verdu Correpi- Ramon Alberto Gomez. Steering Committee Chacinado Workers Union- Body of Delegates Terminal 5 port of Bs As- Carlos Ghioldi Sec. Union CTA of lxs Workers Rosary- Laura Marrone. Former CABA deputy Carlos del Frade. Provincial Deputy Santa Fe- Hernan Aguirre. Executive Commission of the Union Railroad West Sectional- Eduardo Soares- Second Independence Convocation- Raul Castells. MIJD- Laura Taffetani. Association of Lawyers and Lawyers- Raúl Corzo- Astillero Rio Santiago- Gustavo Galeano, Delegate UOM La Matanza- Luis Marcelo Marin- Grouping 9 of July UTA- Córdoba- Jose Escobar. Delegate of Suteba of school Sec 1 Garin. Escobar Choral Group- Santiago Alvarado, SUTEBA San Fernando delegate, BS. AS, Argentina
Alejandro Maidana and Gisela Gentile. Journalists/Sacar la Voz Civil Association
Alejandro Avila
Alfredo Peñalva. Former Secretary of the Light and Power Union and current Secretary of the Energy Workers' Mutual Fund-MUTLYF
Amanda Ferrario, teacher, former UEPC delegate Córdoba Argentina
Antonio Alonso Lawyer, former member of the Rio Cuarto Court of Accounts Córdoba
Antonio Sanchez. Journalist program "Algo Distinto" Buenos Aires
Bernardo Mora Muringher
Dr. Colm Breathnach
Carmen Manchado. Initial Level Teacher. Cordova
Clara Garcia Perez
Cesar Mont
Proletarian Emancipation Collective
Conor O'Sullivan
Coexistence in Diversity Tandil- Gustavo Pernicone
Daniel A. Berrettoni.- Santa Fe Journalist
Daniel Cares- Journalist Buenos Aires Argentina
Daniel Schonhals. Lawyer. Between rivers
Dora Montenegro
Esteban Daniel Videla
Eugenia Pereyra
Federico Ambesi
Gabriel Rouco
Germán Tornero- Former General Motors delegate worker
Gustavo Franquet- Neighborhood Resistance Coordinator-
Hernán Gabriel Corbalán. Retired Teacher (Suteba)
Hernán Tesoro GTR- Group of Revolutionary Workers
Hugo Milito- Sur Rosario Proposal
Javier Ponce
Joaquín Roquero. Cooperative leader. Argentina
José Gregorio Rojas
Jorge Luis Arredondo
Juan Bautista Leyes
Kesepudra- Cultural Events
La Voz del Obrero, alternative media for workers
Luis Rodolfo
Lobo Cruz- Party of Poets
Marcelo Antonio Nievas
Maricarmen Darriba
Marcos Roman
Mario Tarres- Mar del Plata delegate
Marta Beatriz Benitez
Miguel Garzon
Mateo Ruiz, Colombian teacher in Córdoba Argentina
Nestor Luis Bordatto
Collective Resistance
Latin American Summary
Santiago Dalmas MUP-20- Coordinator May 1-
MTR we vote to fight.- Neighbors of the 6th in Rosario fight
October 8 Movement- Quitilipi Chaco
Osvaldo Francisco Filito
Paul Gomez
Paul Cesar Lopez. Delegate UOM
Ruth Johanna Bohorquez Gelvez
Paula Olivares
Santiago Alvarado, SUTEBA San Fernando delegate, BS. AS, Argentina
Santiago Hector Aguero
Santiago Pregoni
Susy Carranza
Willians Larrad
Zogbe Antonio Jesus- teaching delegate in Córdoba
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