Because we Marxists are followers of Nahuel Moreno

La Marx International
Nahuel Moreno is synonymous of Marxism, and Marxism is synonymous of Nahuel Moreno. If it had not been for the battle that Nahuel Moreno waged for forty years against revisionism, Marxism would probably have disappeared. Marxism exists thanks to the foundation and development of a protective trench that Nahuel Moreno organized for more than forty years throughout the post-war period of the twentieth century, a bastion that constituted a formidable line of defense of Marxism known as "orthodox Trotskyism." Moreno formed a political current whose construction, construction and development made him the most important Trotskyist leader from the post-war period to today, which is why Marxists follow the theoretical-political line elaborated by Nahuel Moreno.
As soon as he joined militant life and with little experience, Nahuel Moreno quickly understood that the most modern and current branch of Marxism, Trotskyism, was in serious danger of being destroyed and disappearing. Nahuel Moreno understood that the most serious and dangerous attack that Trotskyism – and therefore Marxism – was receiving did not come from imperialist governments, capitalists, the police, the bourgeois states or Stalinism. All these institutions have been working to destroy Marxism forever, whether with the states that imprison and kill Marxists, to Stalinism that tortured, murdered and massacred thousands of Trotskyists. Moreno understood that although the actions of all these institutions are 'dangerous, the greatest danger that threatened Marxism did not come from there, but from the leadership of the Fourth International itself.