
Marxist Focus 3 We support the Palestinian Intifada


In this Edition of Marxist Focus 3, Greta Roquero exposes La Marx International's support for the 3rd Palestinian Intifada together with Camilo Sepúlveda of La Marx Canada, Olivo García Maldonado of La Marx México, and Daniel Campos of the New PST of Argentina. The fight for the National Liberation of peoples such as Ukraine, Quebec in Canada, Catalonia stands out, the initiatives in the development of the Committee for Palestine of La Marx México together with valuable activists, and the history of struggle of the Palestinian people who Today it has the support of all the people of the world

April 7, 2024 will remain as a historic day for the Middle East, and the world class struggle. On that day, Israel withdrew most of its troops from Gaza without having achieved any of the publicly proclaimed objectives. This military move is an acknowledgment of the defeat of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) who suffered a beating by Palestinian...